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Content curation, blogs and modules

Consider using websites to house & curate your content, provide basic assessment, link to other resources and collaborate/communicate with others


Links and summarizes concepts visually

Consider using infographics to compare, summarize, provide procedural steps or timeline, or as a way for learners showcase their understanding


Audio based content for narratives and accessibility

Consider using podcasts to provide "on-the-go" flipped classroom learning, patient perspectives, interviews with experts, or different perspectives to inform an interactive discussion


Dual channel short and engaging content

Consider using videos for learner paced, engaging, and multimedia learning of procedures, locations beyond the classroom and patient perspectives 

Online Learning for Health Professions Education
"How to" Resource

Senior Digital Programmer
AMEE Guide to Online Learning 2023

Our easy-to-follow guide is divided into two parts. Part 1 covers the basics such as theory, delivery modes, and instructional design. In Part 2, we delve into the tools and techniques used in online HPE learning.

Senior Digital Programmer
About this site

This website provides

  1. Simple examples of a website, infographic, video and podcast for HPE, using open source software

  2. Introductory “How To” notes for readers to create one on their own

  3. Links to further resources and other examples to learn more


About Us

Click on each image to learn more about the authors
Tamara Carver PIC_edited.jpg

To contact us, please visit the AMEE Guides above, or click below. We would love to hear about other resources you think should be included and feedback on this website.

© 2023

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